Choose suitable web creation package

We offer a professional website suitable for your company's brand image, which works on all devices. 

Classical website

Company business card and introduction where to offer your products or services. Register customers or book appointments.

Price: from 560€ 
Project duration: 2-3 weeks

Package includes:

Package includes:

Website with e-store

A website where you can sell your products or services and send customers to pay from the shopping cart.

Price: from 1200€
Project duration: 4-7 weeks

Package includes:

Package includes:

One-pager website

A one-page website where you can offer products, services or campaigns. Customer registration, e-mail collection, newsletter. Digital invitation.

Price: from 280€ 
Project duration: 1-2 weeks

Package includes:

Package includes:

Additional services

Helkdigital - veebilehe lisateenused

If you wish for extra content pages in addition to the subpages in the package, we will gladly help. We design and customise the content page according to your needs and brand guidelines. Ensuring that all pages support a unified visual identity and user experience.

A professional logo is an important part of a brand's identity. Our logo design service offers creative solutions that reflect your company's values and distinctiveness. Our experienced designer will develop a unique and memorable logo that speaks to your target audience. 

An eye-catching banners are key to increase visibility in online advertising. We help you create dynamic and attractive banners that attracts the attention of target group and increase sales.

Adding a blog to your website allows your company to regularly publish content related to your products, services or industry. This helps increase website traffic, is good for SEO, and creates an opportunity to communicate directly with your target audience.

In order for the website to be among the first in the search engine results, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive SEO audit. After that adding the necessary meta titles, meta descriptions, focus keywords and alt texts to every subpage and product page on the web. Note that it may take more than one month to grow in Google positions.

If you need help with content management or want some other additional features for your website, we will find a suitable solution. Also, the website and the plugins on the page must always be updated to ensure the security and optimisation of the page - we can help with this as well.

Stages of creating a website

Giving input

We will determine the input, what are your expectations for the website. What is the purpose and who is the target audience? What should be the design language? We discuss which technological solutions would be wise to use for this project. We agree on the schedule and project budget.

Content creation

Sinult ootan, et paned kokku veebilehe sisutekstid ja pildimaterjali. Samuti plaani, millisele alamlehele sisu läheb. Vajadusel abistame ka SEO tekstide ülesehituse loomisel. E-poe puhul on vajalik kokku panna tooteinfo ja variatsioonid.

Design solution

Teenme sulle esmase versiooni sinu kodulehest, kus saab näha disaini. Seejärel teeme sinu tagasiside põhjal järgmised alamlehed.


We test the website together to ensure its smooth operation and the quality of the user experience. We make sure that everything works as it should and we also add the necessary integrations to ensure the full functionality of the website, analytics and other necessary things.

Website launch

After your approval for the finished website, we will publish it. You will also get instructions on how to proceed with the website. We will also support you in case of questions.

Contact us

If you need a professional looking homepage for your company or if you want to sell your products and services - I will help you find the best solution. 

I look forward to our cooperation.

Kätlin Krik

Web designer

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